Family night with the Solorzanos. Banana Pancakes and Johnny Lingo.
Hello everybody! What a fun week it has been. On Tuesday our house flooded. I know that compared to the UK right now our flooding probably doesn't mean much, but it was very difficult for us. It occurred when the toilet being blocked coincided with the flush button getting stuck down without us noticing, which resulted in water pouring out of the toilet for about 45 minutes before we noticed. We are not very observant. We then spent an hour and a half sweeping water out of the door with a pair of brooms, which took so long because we had to sweep the water all the way through the house, and water doesn't usually like being swept. On Thursday we had a big conference with Elder Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He exhorted us to bear our crosses, bear the crosses of others, and then endure to the end. The conference was for all the missionaries from both Costa Rica West and East, which is an awful lot of missionaries. Elder Soares shook hands with every single one. I saw Elder A again, and recounted how things are going in P____. Friday night we had a Valentine's Day activity in the chapel with music, dancing and chicken. There were also couple-based games, but Elder B and I were not allowed to participate, but I know we would have won.

Apparently missionaries aren't allowed to dance either. This is so terrible.

That's another week from Costa Rica San Jose West Mission The Best Mission in the World. Have a great week.
Elder Godivala
