The coronavirus became very real in our lives this week as church meetings have been suspended worldwide. A time of concern and questions for missionary parents. We were glad to receive this email from Presidente Valim today.
Dear Parents, Family, Friends and Leaders,
I would like to give you an update on the wellbeing of our missionaries here in the Costa Rica San Jose West Mission. We are grateful that all missionaries continue to be in good health, and none have been infected with the Corona Virus.
We are in constant contact with the resources from the Church and from the Area and are implementing all guidance as provided. We are monitoring daily each missionary to determine if they are exhibiting any of the key signs of infection (cough, fever, sore throat or shortness of breath).
All our missionaries have been given extra money to purchase an extra supply of food, cleaning and hygiene supplies for any eventuality. All have been given specific instructions for personal hygiene and how to best protect themselves against infection while interacting with others.
We feel blessed to have such courageous and faithful missionaries serving amidst such trying times. Your sons and daughters have the privilege to serve in these tumultuous last days, and we have the privilege to know them. What a blessing to know we are led by the Lord and His Prophet that have helped us prepare for this situation and will help us safely navigate through it.
Thank you again for your faith and support.
President and Sister Valim
Costa Rica San José West Mission